National Seed Association of India
NATIONAL SEED ASSOCIATION OF INDIA 909.Surya Kiran Building 19, Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi 110001(INDIA)
Executive Director
Mr R K Trivedi
About NSAI
National Seed Association of India (NSAI). the apex Association of the Indian seed industry has been established in 2007 with the vision to cr ea te "A dynamic, innovative, internationally competitive, research based industry producing high performance, high Quality seeds and planting materials which benefit farmers and significantly contribute to the sustainable growth of Indian Agriculture". The Mission of NSAI is to encourage investment in the state of the art R & D to bring to the Indian farmer superior genetics and technologies. which are high performance and adapted to a wide range of agro climatic zones. Itactively contributes to seed industry policy development. with the concerned government. to ensure that the policies and regulation create an enabling environment, ncluding public acceptance. so that the industry remains globally competitive. NSAI also promotes harmonization and adoption of best commercial practices 1n production. processing. Quality control and distr ibution of seeds.
NSAI represents the seed industry and its various stakeholders in creation of a favourable policy environment for the growth of the seed industry. NSAI regularly communicates the latest news and other knowledge related to seed industry to its members through Newsletters and Seed Times. besides organizing subject specific Conferences/ Seminars/ Special Lectures. Regular training and capacity building programmes organized by way of specially designed modules for different levels of seed industry human resource. NSAI. through regular interactions and networking with global/regional seed industry organizations. works toward developing joint programmes and harmonization of seed regulations across countries.