The Fibre Cement Products Manufacturers Association (FCPMA)
502 Mansarovar, 90 Nehru Place New Delhi – 110019
+91- 9718804917,
Mr Arun Kumar Saraf
Assistant Director
Mr. Navin Kumar
FCPMA is a nonprofit organization established in 1985, having 18 industry Members from across the Country. Industry members are largely engaged in the production of fibre cement roofing sheets, fibre cement pipes used in supply of drinking water and also in sewage. To serve the members, FCPMA has main office at New Delhi.
The main objectives of FCPMA are to aid, stimulate and advise on the promotion of Fibre Cement products and also to collect, disseminate and enlighten the members and other stakeholders on the possible use of alternative fibre as suitable substitutes without compromising on quality of the end product. The annual turnover of the FCPMA members is approx Rs.8,000 crores and as one of the important sector of the Indian economy fibre cement sector provides employment to more than 3 lakh people, directly and indirectly.
Our industry plays an important role in the nation building through developing infra structure by setting up industries and in rural development by providing low cost roo?ng solutions to the masses.